Monday, December 02, 2013

Friendship On Friendships

Again I am reminded of the gift that human brotherhood brings to a life.  If ever I write up a bucket list, I must remember that time spent with true friends is more rewarding than all the places, peoples and activities ever dreamed of.  I just had the time of my life being a friend to friends. Blessings to Ed & Susan.

The Greatest of delights
and the best of joys
is to know that
people like to
be with you, 
and to know that you like to be close to them.
Maxim Gorky

To be true friends,
you must be 
sure of one another
Leo Tolstoy

When I have opened my heart to a friend,
I am more myself than ever
Thomas Moore

Don't walk in front of me
I may not follow
Don't walk behind me
I may not lead
Walk beside me
And just be my friend
Albert Camus

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