Why talk politics on a sports blog? Because the decisions, or lack there of, of elected State officials are costing us "Joe Plumber" taxpayers big time.
Today begins the new fiscal year for California. Today lawmakers and the governor are far from agreement on a spending plan to decrease the $19 billion dollar state deficit.
Every day after today without a budget to address the state deficit, costs California tax payers $52 million dollars. FIFTY-TWO MILLION DOLLARS A DAY!
The lack of a budget costs the state $52 million a day, according to the Department of Finance, and if an agreement is not reached by the end of July, the state's financial situation would worsen. The state would probably have to issue IOUs, halt infrastructure projects and slash state worker pay.
Now think about it. If you or I went to work and our inability to perform the duties our employer contracted us for cost the company bucks, who's check do you think those bucks would come out of? Not the customer who is paying the company to handle their business, that's for sure.
Its time United States politicians be held accountable for their negligent performance in carrying out their duties. I believe the pay of a politician should be based on performance with penalties and/or impeachment for negligence.
I'll take the old Tijuana, Mexico version of fair business practice, * No Money No Honey *, over this current political privilege setup anyday. Make the politicians accountable in dollars and cents and see how quick a fiscal budget is passed.
"No Money......................No Honey"
Its a basic principle of economics; Dig Now, Food Later.
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