I went into this movie knowing that it might get descriptive with male homosexuality issues in Britain during and after WWII. I didn't know if I, an American male who daily worships the female anatomy in every way, could hang through the full length of "Breaking The Code." In hindsight I must admit, there were some bumps, but the story along with the acting of Britain's' prize actor Derek Jacobi vanquished all phobias and taboos making the movie a joy to watch.
For you numb-nut homo-phobics out there who feel you just can't watch anything relating to non-heterosexual issues, know that this is the story of a man who saved Britain and the Allies asses from Hitler's German submarines in the north Atlantic.
Remember the gutsy guy movie "U-571 and the U.S. submariner mission to capture a German Enigma machine?"

I gave the movie "Breaking The Code" 5 of 5 stars on my following amazon review:
Excellent Story of an Unsung Hero This movie about Mathematician Alan Turing and the breaking of the German Enigma Code during WWII is brilliant. British actor Derek Jacobi plays the role of Turing with such commitment and believability that you unexpectedly find yourself accepting the character of Turing for all his unnaturalness while at the same time shunning the accepted beliefs of how people ought to be in post-WWII Britain. I must admit that I knew next to nothing about Alan Turing. This movie was a great introduction and summary into his life and heroic accomplishments. Its always wonderful to see a movie production try its best at depicting a historical genius on screen. Watching and hearing the dialogues Turing has in this film reminds you of just how much we may owe to this genius for our modern world of computer technology. His research had to play a role in my being able to type this review today. We need future people to continue questioning as Turing did, if a mind can exist without a body? We should also wonder, as did Turing, if God might be a Mathematician? There is enough proof here on this earth to argue for and against both. Questioning is the key. We must continue to ask the questions that today go answer-less One Courageous Movie about one honestly Curious Man!
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