Friday, September 21, 2007


First it was 22 U.S. ports that the Arab Emirates of
Dubai wanted to purchase. Now it's the NASDAQ stock exchange, and in both cases the U.S. President didn't show any alarm whatsoever upon hearing about it .

My guess is either the President and those that pull his strings are in on it and have something to gain, or oil rich countries do have a free pass in western financial institutions and can pretty much do as they please.

If the President didn't see this coming then our beefed up national security is really a joke. He had to know, regardless of what he says. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive about Arab countries buying into the U.S. since the 911 disaster. Thanks to the media and the war, many of us here in these united states are skeptical about Arab interests in this country. But while we, the little citizens of the land of the free are being fed fear, those with the money and power are doing better business than ever with friend and foe of this country.

All this is just more evidence of the arrogance that comes with globalization. Its not about the safety and well being of the people, its about profit and gains.

Get ready citizens of the U.S., the puppet masters are getting ready for their final act before the curtain closes on their show. When you can see the strings from above and the off-key movement of the mouth while words of no importance come out, the show is definitely coming to a close. That could mean good things or bad. Time will tell.

News On Dubai and Nasdaq

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