Friday, April 13, 2007

Killer Looks!

After signing Cooper I thought maybe I'd take a look at one of those depression era gangsters. Sorry Coop, you may look the part but "Baby Face" Nelson was truly a killer. Took 17 bullets to take him down and he still lasted a few hours. Here's the headline:

George "Baby Face" Nelson (Lester Joseph Gillis)December 6, 1908 - November 27, 1934
The most violent member of the Dillinger gang, Nelson was credited with killing several men, including three D.O.I. special agents. He may even have been a gunman for the Chicago Syndicate. Nelson was shot 17 times during a gun battle with special agents in Barrington, Illinois. He died several hours later at a house in Niles Center, now called Skokie, Illinois.

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