Feeling the Holiday season creep in with the cold weather this past week, I bought my umpteenth SF Giants world series apparel today. The bargain purchase from a street vendor at civic center's Farmer's Market brought the whole World Series experience right back to me as if I were awakening to decide what Giants gear to wear to the Victory Day Parade. You Giants fans remember that tingling feeling I'm sure.
Living in a Baseball Championship City makes for a very satisfying off season. As a Champion, you get to hear other teams and fans admire and congratulate your teams' accomplishment. Your local sports radio stations replay the wonderful moments of the championship season for you morning, noon and night. Everywhere in the city people are wearing team championship gear and quick to bask in the memories of the championship run with you; its like, where were you when Edgar Renteria hit that three-run homer in game 5? Sexy women in Giants gear actually return your pervertive smile with glee. You feel as if the world is yours and nothing can put a damper on your off season mood.
Earlier this week Giants shortstop Juan Uribe inked a contract with the rival L.A. Dodgers. Today the Giants signed former A's shortstop Miguel Tejada, a bit long in the tooth at 37, but a very good replacement for Uuuuribe. Its true, everyone wants a piece of a champion and as scary as the prosepect is of losing that special team chemistry, we Giants fans face the future bold and unafraid. Why? Because we're Champions.
Hell Yeah.................ITS GOOD TO BE THE CHAMP!
A Champion doesn't let the pressure of defending its championship intimidate him. Nor does a champion worry much about replacing parts that are deemed unproductive or overpriced. A champion wins its championship, basks in the glory and celebration of its championship then begins the business of retooling itself to be better. And because everyone likes a champion, as some parts are lost to free agency some valuable parts can be gained by it. A champion attracts other champions.
As the San Francisco Bay Area begins a cold record-breaking winter season, Giants fans across the region will stay warm in the glow of experiencing what it means to be a World Series Champion. The 2010 Xmas season started early in the bay. My newly purchased orange Giants gear fits like a glove; a World Series Glove.
Hell F@cking Yeah........ITS GOOD TO BE THE CHAMP!
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