I've heard that Hell is a place of disappointment and frustration. I've also heard that its the anticipation of Heaven that makes Hell so.......hellish.
Think about it, you follow your spiritual leader's orders by drinking the poisoned Kool-Aid only to hear the demonic words "leaving paradise" as you take your last breath.
Or you find yourself swimming stranded in shark-infested waters and come upon a raft, only to have your emergency knife, secure in your utility belt, open and puncture a hole in the raft as you climb into it. And this after causing a bloody cut on your hand to dribble blood into the SHARK infested waters.
Hell is being put in a challenging situation and finding the path to success or safety either blocked, just out of reach or made more distant by your actions. Its making a choice to follow a path that initially looks promising but may eventually lead to your demise.
In a nutshell, Hell is sitting in a windy and cold football coliseum watching your team lose in the most torturous of ways. Your team executes some exciting plays and have you on the verge of crowning them heavenly winners, then they let their opponent dominate and humiliate them without putting up much of a fight. You're left cold, disappointed and wondering why you chose to follow this team in the first place. Why continue drinking the poison if you know it won't get you into paradise?
Today was a cold day in Oaktown as the Miami Dolphins came to town and showed us how a playoff caliber team competes and wins on the road. Yes, the Oakland Raiders were allowed to drink the kool-aid and discover the raft early in the game, only to find their hopes for reaching paradise punctured by a Dolphin's fin when the final gun sounded.
Think about it, you follow your spiritual leader's orders by drinking the poisoned Kool-Aid only to hear the demonic words "leaving paradise" as you take your last breath.
Or you find yourself swimming stranded in shark-infested waters and come upon a raft, only to have your emergency knife, secure in your utility belt, open and puncture a hole in the raft as you climb into it. And this after causing a bloody cut on your hand to dribble blood into the SHARK infested waters.
Hell is being put in a challenging situation and finding the path to success or safety either blocked, just out of reach or made more distant by your actions. Its making a choice to follow a path that initially looks promising but may eventually lead to your demise.
In a nutshell, Hell is sitting in a windy and cold football coliseum watching your team lose in the most torturous of ways. Your team executes some exciting plays and have you on the verge of crowning them heavenly winners, then they let their opponent dominate and humiliate them without putting up much of a fight. You're left cold, disappointed and wondering why you chose to follow this team in the first place. Why continue drinking the poison if you know it won't get you into paradise?
Today was a cold day in Oaktown as the Miami Dolphins came to town and showed us how a playoff caliber team competes and wins on the road. Yes, the Oakland Raiders were allowed to drink the kool-aid and discover the raft early in the game, only to find their hopes for reaching paradise punctured by a Dolphin's fin when the final gun sounded.
Hell is being allowed to hope when you're destined to face failure. Its facing cold after anticipating heat, its agonizing over defeat after expecting a win. Hell is being an Oakland Raiders fan......
Final Score
Dolphins 33
Raiders 17
Final Score
Dolphins 33
Raiders 17
When was the last time the raiders won a BIG game or were relevant?
I would follow another sport, team or move!
Can't do that Joe. Its what separates Raiders fans from the rest. Win, Lose or Tie, I'm a Raider til I Die. Better to go down with the ship than jump to another.
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