Sunday, January 07, 2024

Raiders Season Ends Today

Shoulda, Coulda, What If, If Only ! ! !

The Raiders play their last game of the season today, and Win, Lose, or Tie, it will sadden me. Saddened not because they're out of the playoffs, again, but because I'll miss the thrill they bring me on Sundays. You football fans know what I'm talking about; the thrill of the game, of your team battling against the enemy, with hope for a glorious victory.

If football Sunday does nothing else for a fan, it allows us to scream out our frustrations as well as triumphs in life. We do this not as lone soldiers, but as part of an enlisted, loyal battalion of team supporters. We put on our team hats and jerseys, like protective armor, then proceed to engage the enemies of life. Hopeful for a positive outcome. Whether it be on our own home turf or on the road, in our man caves or in sports bars, we take our positions on the battlefield with a sense of duty and honor.

"We have met the enemy, and they are ours" - Master Commandant Oliver Perry

We hope to win our battles every week, but we know on any given Sunday, anyone can lose to a stronger or weaker enemy. So, the challenge becomes gathering all emotions, minds, and bodies together to heal and prepare for the next encounter. It is as much a battle within as it is without. And to conquer one's self is the ultimate victory. No Fear!

I know comparing the fandom of football to war might seem farfetched and a bit over the top to some. But trust me when I tell you the comradery of team sports spirit, I've only found to be as strong or stronger amongst those in religious fellowship and/or veterans serving their country. From these two examples I must say that football fans are in good company.

Win, Lose, or Tie!

Shipmates stand together
Don't give up the ship!

Fair or stormy weather
We won't give up, we won't give up the ship;

Friends and pals forever,
It's a long, long trip.

If you have to take a lickin'
Carry on and quit your kickin'

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