Saturday, January 13, 2024

A Friday Fabulous Florida Repost - Raiderlegend

update: Mark Thompson Show is now available on and no longer a KGO radio broadcast

For those of us who still find fun and entertainment through radio hosted media, KGO's Mark Thompson Show features a segment that highlights some of the funniest, freaky news coming out of that fabulous state known as Florida. The state that looks like an inflamed hemorrhoid hanging out the butt of our country. Yes, that Florida!

Here in California, we have the city of Los Angeles, where the extraordinary is seen as just an ordinary daily occurrence. Things like: celebrities behaving badly, 7-Eleven store crime sprees, high speed police chases (chopper footage). What Los Angeles does not have are news stories involving alligators, police pursuit of suspects riding getaway lawnmowers, drunk cops in uniform behaving badly, iguanas in toilets, swamp rescues, and of course the classic body found in a freezer investigation. 

Florida has it all, and more. Los Angeles might have legendary amusement parks, but Florida has legendary amusement parks where nearby homicide investigations, 'right down from the Whole Foods,' might involve amusement park employees smoking crack, in a cheap motel room, while still dressed in costume. 'Ho White and the Seven Dwarfs' never looked so sleazy.

Welcome to 'Friday Fabulous Florida,' where news and happenings are of the bizarre and insane, compared to most states. And you wonder, is it the weather? the politics? perhaps something in the water (besides alligators) has citizens of this so-called 'peninsula paradise' performing reality tv scenes. They make Hollywood crime productions look like fake news. And the catch to it all is many of the perpetrators and victims could qualify as 'Darwin Awards' candidates. 

But we must give the 'Gunshine State' praise for its diversity. The folks featured in 'Friday Fabulous Florida' segments come in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, genders, and backgrounds. No one group or type of individuals are targeted. Yet, all have that one noticeable distinction linking their bizarre actions ---- it happened in Fabulous Florida!


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