Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Twas the Night Before Inauguration ❄❄❄ Feels Like Xmas Eve ❄❄❄

I don't know what makes me more full of promise today, the Warriors comeback win over the Lakers last night, or hearing Trump's goodbye concession speech today. As much as I despise the Los Angeles Lakers and celebrate every time they lose, seeing this Pathetic excuse for a human being finally concede his election loss to our soon-to-be 46th President has to top the list.

Tomorrow, January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will become President of the United States of America. If you haven't been hiding under a rock for the past four years, or past four weeks for that matter, then you understand the significance of this national event. America will have a President that puts the interest of our country first and foremost. A President who brings pride and dignity once again to the office of commander-in-chief. A man who is not scared to tell the truth and can express his thoughts clearly. A man familiar with biblical scripture who looks to the bible for more than a photo-op prop. A man humbled by tragic losses in life. Not just a man, but a Just Man.

Tomorrow, at 12:00pm, EST, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of our Democracy. We know he and his administration have lots of repair work ahead. We as citizens also will have work to do; the task of trusting our government and respecting our differences/disagreements is high on the list of civilian duties. 

The way to combat those who continue to espouse conspiracy theories to divide our government and citizens is to stay active and informed on the issues and policies effecting our nation. And while we're at it we should all try to be more involved in our communities. 

When in doubt, do the opposite of what twice-impeached Donald J. Trump would do. See someone in need, offer help. See a danger to the community, address it or bring it to someone's attention who can address it. Make a mistake or use poor judgement, acknowledge it and immediately work on correcting the wrong. Become a Volunteer. Be accountable for something.

Duty: a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.

What we can all say we've improved at from watching Trump in the spotlight for four agonizing years, is spotting liars by the lies they tell. The bigger the lie the less believable and more exposed the liar. If you never had the unpleasant experience of knowing a chronic liar, Trump has given you an advanced class in "The Art of Fabrication."


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