Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Capitol On Lockdown


I don't know which was worse to witness today, the assault on our nation's Capitol by Trump supporters or the Trumpublican legislators who were willing to obstruct and delay the electoral college vote count. Both believe the absurd, and both were willing to commit atrocities to please a sick man.

The elephant in the room is why the security detail for the Capitol was unprepared to handle the protesters and why it took so long for backup. I wouldn't be surprised to find out the siege on the Capitol was planned and coordinated by supporters and legislators following the orders of a lame-duck resident. Call it an Inside Job or a Fix!

What people of color rightfully take away from this day of national reckoning is how white privilege gives persons with white skin entitlement to assemble with violent intent and unlawfully attack our nation's governing bodies without repercussions. 

Picture the same attack you saw today, substitute Black Lives Matter or Latino, Arab or even Native American protesters assaulting the Capitol in such a way. Any chance they would've been allowed to walk away peacefully? Heck, they would never have gotten close enough to climb the walls or break-in through a window.

Today it was a lame-duck resident inciting a bunch of disorganized conspiracy theorist to hate on our American government. Tomorrow that same lame-duck could plot organized foreign military attacks on our government. 

Today was a dangerous warning, tomorrow could be a tragic and traitorous atrocity. Our legislators have an obligation and duty to protect us by removing the most dire threat facing our nation today. It's what the 25th Amendment was put in place to do, remove a sick, disabled or unfit President. Invoke it Now and save American lives.


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