Thursday, November 05, 2020

Our Tireless Elections Guide

He's being compared to the Energizer Bunny. You know, the drum-beating rabbit that just "keeps going and going and going." What sets him apart from all comparisons is his passion and persistence in providing viewers with much anticipated updates to the 2020 Presidential Election. His name is Steve Kornacki, and he's admirably manning the volatile Presidential election board on msnbc.  

Steve is proving to be a master navigator of mathematics, U.S. political geography, state and federal elections laws and projections based on real voting ballot numbers. While others mostly discuss and speculate swing state numbers, Steve keeps us engaged visually, pointing out and comparing current counts with past numbers and calculating gains and losses as reflected on his digital battleground map. 

During this tense and challenging election his reporting talents are being recognized by both colleagues and viewers alike.  As he fields electoral questions from some of the best msnbc news personalities, nothing is left in the shadows. He reports very clear and enlightening answers on the Presidential race.

Somehow, this momentous occasion has targeted Steve with his impeccable presentation talents. It has placed him at the center of this elections storm with nothing more than a big, touchscreen elections map to navigate the ebb and flow of electoral waves. He resembles a weatherman at his command center post tracking a Category 5 Hurricane while updating, alerting and highlighting affected areas viewable on his map. Thanks to Steve's intellect and insight he excels as a national guide through this whirlwind of a Presidential Election. 

He steers our ship with a joy and seriousness that must make other countries envy American liberty as well as freedom of the press.  A nod to his cameraman, who is adding Hitchcock-like drama with camera angles and zoom-in/out artistry.

With all the crazy political and legal actions our President is saying and doing to thwart the election, our man Steve has kept even keel in his reportage of votes and electoral points. He just "keeps on going and going and going." 

Though from outside looking in he may appear overwhelmed trying to maintain order on the ship, Steve just might be our only American newsman so focused on the task at hand that the tossing and turbulent accusations being made by a disgruntled incumbent President has no sway over him. Our loyal and trustworthy elections navigator has only one concern and goal; getting us safely through the fog of information and docked soundly at home port. 

Meanwhile, we voters must hold on and weather the dizzying seasickness that comes from riding the waves of a hellacious race to the Presidency.

Steve Kornacki, We Salute Your Service!

- Captain James Lawrence, (U.S. Navy), 1781-1813 

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