Saturday, November 07, 2020

End of an Error - A Nation Giddy With Relief

When the Wicked Witch of the East suffered her tragic ending, the cowered citizens of the land came out from their hiding places in disbelief. Once convinced the reign of tyranny had come to an end, the citizens were overcome with giddy celebration of song and dance.

Today's Election Results finally brought the house down on Donald Trump and his wicked administration, setting off dancing and celebrations in cities across the nation. An era of tyrannical leadership over the land of the free and home of the brave will come to an end on January 20, 2021 (Inauguration Day). 

Celebrations recognizing the end of this incurable era and the beginning of truth & hope were a beauty to behold today. Citizens of the United States gathered in the streets, in parks, in civic centers, waving and dancing as if a long fought war had ended; V-J Day 1945 revisited. 

On Inauguration Day, President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris will take over the highest offices in the land and begin implementing America's long road to recovery. And if any stragglers from the dead era of Trump try resurrecting divisive and ugly attacks so common in his day, I quote Belinda the Good Witch's warning:  

"Begone, Before Somebody Drops a House on You!"

Ding, Dong the dead

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