Friday, October 23, 2020

Presidential Debate II

 "We Need To Move On"

Moderator Kristen Welker's guiding words were definitely a welcome tool that kept this Presidential debate on track and tolerable for American citizens to watch. There were times though that the incumbent rambled on like a runaway truck with no brakes. But Kristen never let it get to where the truck ran through the guardrails to smash-up the debate like it did in the first meeting. Nor did she let some of his deflecting answers go unchallenged.

Welker question to the President:

“As of tonight, more than 12 million people are out of work,” she said. “Eight million more Americans have fallen into poverty, and more families are going hungry every day. Those hit hardest are women and people of color. They see Washington fighting over a relief bill. Mr. President, why haven’t you been able to get them the help they need?”

“Because Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to approve it,” Trump replied. “I do.”

Welker didn’t let him off the hook. “But you’re the president.”

- Rebecca Nelson,  ELLE

"We Need To Move On"

Yes, Kristen deserves a Certificate of Achievement for her handling of the Presidential Debate last night. And what Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank wrote in his opinion piece yesterday may have come to fruition:

The only thing worse for Trump than an unwatchable debate is a watchable one 

America, and this includes Trump Supporters, saw a President unable to state any truthful facts to defend his record while in the Oval Office. Whether it was about Covid-19, Immigration, Healthcare, Race or the Economy, the President seems allergic to the truth when it comes to his own accountability. Former White House counselor, Kellyanne Conway, was known for giving us Alternative Facts (lies). Now we know with little doubt just who commanded her to deliver those untruths to the American public; her commander-in-chief.

Americans continue to die while the President continues his alternative facts show.

When all the rallying ploys and bullying pulpit maneuvers of an unscrupulous showman are muted, we are left watching a poor, pathetic opportunist stripped down to his truly miniature size. It's almost painful and embarrassing to watch. America came face to face with part of an unmasked falsehood in our government last night. If truth and justice are to prevail in the future of this country, falsehoods must begin to be eradicated starting Nov. 3, 2020.  

We Need To Move On!


The main thing is to have a soul that loves the truth and harbours it where he finds it. And another thing: truth requires constant repetition, because error is being preached about us all the time, and not only by isolated individuals but by the masses. In the newspapers and encyclopedias, in schools and universities, everywhere error rides high and basks in the consciousness of having the majority on its side.

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