Thursday, October 15, 2020

Kiss of Death for Kershaw's Dodgers......Again!


The Atlanta Braves are one more Tomahawk Chop away from their first World Series since 1999. And they have the overhyped, highly paid L.A. Dodgers to thank for it. Granted, it was just twenty-four hours ago that the Dodgers delivered a historic 15-3 slugfest win. But these Braves have proven themselves resilient and now have a 3 games to 1, seven-game-series lead on their side. 

Meanwhile, Da'Bums are facing yet another disappointing post-season ending series. At least when the Cubs wore the curse their chances seemed few and far in between. Da'Bums have participated in twelve post-seasons since the year 2004, twice making it to the World Series. And yet, the championship ring continues to somehow elude them.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it couldn't happen to a better bunch of bums.  Go Braves!

Dodgers Postseason History 

Kershaw's Postseason History

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