Friday, June 05, 2020

NFL Commissioner Taking A Knee

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Friday apologized to players for not listening to their concerns regarding racism sooner.
"We the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL Players earlier and encourage all players speak out."
Sorry Roger Goodell, but you completely missed the police brutality protest bus when it stopped at your station four seasons ago. You and many others put profit over principle. Since you now see the error of your ways, you might consider granting reparations to those players who's careers were shortened or defamed due to your ignorance and neglect. I'm sure they'd appreciate it, that is if you really mean to right a wrong. 

We American football fans who understood all along taking a knee during the national anthem meant no disrespect to our military, hoped in time the NFL would come around. And they have somewhat, see Inspire Change Initiative. Unfortunately, it took a nationally televised murder of a black man by police, along with national protests, for the National Football League to get on the bus and admit their mistake. Better late than never I suppose. 

Now how about some financial compensation for players you threw under the bus for speaking out against police brutality. Many can never recoup the privilege of potential fame and fortune you so conspiratorially took away from them. And like our current president, you incited hatred toward protesting players when you criticized their peaceful actions instead of supporting them, or better, joining them.  

An NFL apology is nice, but does not bring justice to the wrong these players suffered when choosing to peacefully protest against police violence in our nation. We're not talking 40 acres and a mule compensation, but when something is taken unjustly you'd expect something of equal or higher value given in return. 

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them like wise." Luke 6:31

The league is known for imposing hefty fines on players and teams when they behave badly. It’s meant to teach a lesson as well as punish the perpetrator. Well, it's time to "do ye also" by pulling out the bad boy checkbook and penalizing yourselves. And while you're at it, take a damn knee!

NFL tackles police killings in Super Bowl Commercial

2 years of NFL protests explained 

Teams to be fined if players kneel during anthem

Why are people taking a knee?

1 comment:

deAnguelo said...

While apologies can be either genuine or patronizing, the most-important question to the NFL is... "When will you apologize to Colin Kaepernick?"