The Raiders Organization definitely has mastered the Fan Appreciation Day activities. It was a bright, warm day for Oakland Raiders fans to come out and relish in the glory of being a part of the Raider Nation.
The best part is watching the kids faces light up with joy as they take in all the Raiders festivities available to them. It may be the one time in a kid's young life that he or she will find themselves in total agreement with their parents. The Raider Nation crosses generational, ethnic and social lines with a creed of malice toward none and equality and acceptance for all.
To see a father with a proud smile while raising his JaMarcus Russell jersey wearing little girl (eyepatch donned over one eye) onto his shoulder is a sight to behold. Yes, the Raiders Kids bring out that childish glee in all of us Raiders fans. Many adult fans have been passed the torch by their parent(s) and therefore its a no-brainer to indoctrinate their kids into the Raider Nation. I swear I saw yesterday a newborn infant with a Children's Hospital I.D. bracelet still around its tiny wrist. The infant was wearing a Raiders bib and already had that chucky scowl, I swear!
If America wants to end the divide that separates its citizens they should consider taking a page from the fans of the Oakland Raiders.
One Nation, One Goal and All Inclusive
I'm Proud to be a member of the Raider Nation!
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