If you like checking out video streams on the internet then you must visit the site "YouTube.com. Any and everything imaginable can be found in picture and video form. After finding this site I did what any silverblooded Raiders fan would do, I searched on "Raiders" to see what video clips and pics they had to offer a fan of the Silver and Black. Wow, did I hit the jackpot. There were video clips from Coliseum Tailgates as well as inside the Coliseum during the game. I'm sure I'll probably come across myself in someone's video clip at some point. It's a must for any Raiders fan to check out some of these homemade videos. I must say that the makers of some of these clips show some professionalism in their editing. I once did the parking lot video camera thing and found that it's not as easy as it seems, filming when you've had a few drinks, a few puffs and overdosing on Raider Nation adrenaline.
Oh, about the jackpot video I came across on YouTube.com. We all remember this clip from our Sunday Night ESPN rematch with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2003. I remember being in New York and wearing my Raiders gear while watching the game at my family's house. I'd already been pumped from all the big plays the Raiders had executed in dominating the Buccaneers in the first half. So it was a truly unexpected treat when at half-time this video clip appeared on the television and got me up and out of my seat yelling Raiders!Raiders!Raiders! I tell you that video had me ready to go to war. I was never prouder of the networks and NFL for not censoring the Raider Nation from primetime and finally airing a commercial that represents our passion and commitment to our team. So Rize!Rize!Rize and be counted as a soldier of our Nation. The Raider Nation. SEE VIDEO