Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Today I celebrate a true Friend

Friends are persons who we tend to take for granted. We know that we can depend on them through tough times. They are the persons in our lives who give us feedback on how we’re living. When a friend tells you that you’re wrong you may first debate the issue but finally you admit your error and thank that friend for their brutal honesty. A friend becomes family and in some ways knows you better than actual family. Whether it is issues with your job, family, relationship or health, a friend is there in your corner to cheer you on or up.

A friend cares not only about your inner person but your outer appearance as well. A friend will not let you walk around with a boogie hanging from your nose nor will they say nice things to appease your ego. If you walk out of the house wearing patterns that are just not meant to be worn together a friend will let you know it and might even suggest a better match. Usually a friend can tell you’re ill before you’ve even acknowledged it fully. That friend is so tuned into and concerned with your well being that any ills you experience will be immediately apparent to that friend. How do we honor friendships such as these? How often do we let these friends know their worth to us? We probably don’t give enough effort in giving back to a friend what that friend gives us and we definitely don’t honor them often enough.

So today I found myself reading a kind note of inspiration I received from my friend and I decided to shed a few words of acknowledgment and appreciation toward him. My Friend, who encourages my talents, inspires my ideas, listens to my concerns, comforts me during the lows and celebrates with me during the highs, overlooks my weaknesses, approves of my beliefs, shares in my joys and pains, laughs with me and also at times, at me, intoxicates my life with joyful blessings, uplifts my spirit with wisdom, instills in me courage, and is forever a part of my human family of loved ones.

Ladies and Gentlemen of Earth I give you my friend:

Dr. Donald “DeAnguelo” Robinson

His PhD in Humanity is one well deserving of 21st Century Homo sapiens who are not disillusioned by the material achievements of society. He is a man who lives the golden rule and teaches it by example, wishing prosperity to all humankind. It is written that if a person has but one friend in his life let that friend be full of worldly love and you’ll want for no additional friendships than this one. A friendly man proves to another man that to be a man one must respect all men and love all humanity.

We are all teachers to one another and serve each other as a mirror of ones own potential. It is an unwise man who let’s jealousy fog the mirror put in front of him and therefore misses out on the lesson. We should share our many talents with one another and not hoard the riches that God has given us. We all have talents and gifts, sometimes it may take a friend to discover or uncover it for us.

Thanks go out to my friend, Dr. Donald “DeAnguelo” Robinson, for being the man he is and helping me become the human I’m capable of becoming. It takes having a friend such as one like Donald for us to know what it takes to be a friend to others.

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