the lying king by Alex Beard
note: not to be confused with THE LION KING
Now firm in power,
His goals took a turn.
The king lied to steal
What he couldn't earn.
He called the most honest
"Cheaters" and worse,
All the while padding
His own golden purse.
(excerpt from The Lying King)
Here is a very clever American children’s parable that will hopefully rub off on all parents. It teaches young kids who are so innocent and trusting, about right and wrong, truths and falsehoods, honesty and dishonesty. The story uses animals to drive home the sick, deceitful cowardice of liars as well as the gullible, unsuspecting believers they target.
In the end it took courage for those bowing down to the lying king’s zeal, to open their eyes and see what was real. They had been duped by a lying pig who incited confusion and disunity amongst all the animals as a means to rule over them and steal.
“And so in the face of his numerous lies, the animals finally opened their eyes. They came to agree on a single true thing . . . A lying pig should not be king.”
Make America Strait Again. For there is a Crooked Warthog who thinks he is king.
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