Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Former Fabulous Florida Congressman Statutory Rape Law Violation

How else to end the 2024 political year than expose a former Florida U.S. Congressman-(R) for House rule violations and Obstruction of Congress. It is reassuring to see the Congressional Committee on Ethics is capable of cleaning House of bad apples and actors. Regardless of party, no elected official in a country ruled by laws should place him/herself above the laws they loyally pledged to uphold.

On November 13, 2024, former Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz chose to run away from serving the citizens of the State of Florida rather than face all the allegations and evidence of legal and moral wrongdoing released in a U.S. Congressional Committee on Ethics Report. 


What Floridians should be asking themselves is not whether the evidence against Gaetz is credible, but what it looked, smelled, and felt like the last time you put faith and hope in someone who abused your trust. Because the problem with a law breaking, pledge abusing politician does not lie with those like Gaetz, but with the misled, ill-informed citizens who chose to vote them into office. 

 You Knew It Was a Snake - H. E. Butt Foundation

Citizens who vote into office a representative who puts his wants and needs ahead of those of the people who entrusted him are left without representation at all. They are left with a scathing report listing evidence of their chosen one's abuse and misconduct while neglecting voters' congressional needs. And when an abusive, unaccountable representative abandons his congressional post, he is saying loud and clear for all his voters to hear: I Gotta Look Out For Me, Not You!

So, you got to ask yourself, was he ever looking out for me? or was it just about him all along. Life is truly about learning lessons. The old saying of falling for it the first time, shame on you, the second time shame on me applies here. Anyone can make a mistake. The good thing about mistakes are they give us the opportunity to learn and make corrections. 

I sincerely wish you all the best in correcting your congressional choice, Florida. Because we are all in this together. One Nation, Indivisible!

PRESS RELEASE Washington, DC—The Washington, DC, office and the district office of former Representative Matt Gaetz will continue to serve the people of the First Congressional District of Florida under the supervision of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Representative Gaetz resigned November 13, 2024. 

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