Saturday, May 04, 2024

Comfortably Numb Music Lesson


I know, it sounds crazy, but this musical instructor, with her Mary Poppins delivery style, is awesome in teaching the harmony and balance of a song I've always enjoyed.

How does it feel, comfortably numb?

I know, it's not an electric guitar, but the harp gives a visual flow to the relationship of chords, scales, and notes. And I think it is a great talking instrument, in that it mimics speech or has "a way of articulating musically expressive intention." 

I came to this video while searching for a beginner's guitar lesson. Yes, finally, after years of being a musical observer, I've jumped into the pool of creative arts, determined to discover through practice what I've admired from afar. 

Why Comfortably Numb? My history with the song and group goes back to a time in the 1970's, while working in a record store. Pink Floyd was the music of young people tripping on the mysteries of life. Their music was a dream-walk through the cosmic universe, making you the captain of your journey. 

The seventies were still an age of psychedelic experiment, going where no man has gone before. There were leftovers of the sixties "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out" message which accompanied protest and a strong desire for collective change in society. It was still the "Age of Aquarius."

How does it feel, comfortably numb?

So, I find it interesting to hear this musical instructor, with a Mary Poppins flavor, breakdown the musical theme and composition of a song which once led partying, protesting young people to the promised land. And for some, led to a place of no return.

I have become, comfortably numb! 

Is There Anybody Out There?

Tracing the Life of Syd Barrett

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