Sunday, February 11, 2024

Superbowl Sunday! Classical


It has been two weeks leading up to the 2024 NFL Super Bowl Game. Two weeks full of back and forth, up and down, common and uncommon takes on how the game will transpire and who will come out victorious. It has been a most grueling and anxiety-filled two weeks for fans of the teams who will face each other, the San Francisco 49ers and defending champion Kansas City Chiefs. These fortunate fans get the ecstasy of getting to the mountaintop, as well as the envy of those whose teams were close but came up short. Their team has a chance to Win it All!

But where ecstasy sprouts, agony also looms. What if their team falters. What if questions and doubts replace all the anticipation of championship parades and new championship sporting gear. What if all the hype and adulation fans have heard ascribed to their team leading up to the "Big Show" was for naught. What If Your Team Loses!

Major Championship Sporting Events are what classical music compositions are written to be, combative yet harmonious. Fans are witness to a battle of human strengths and emotions as competitor's struggle to tame and overcome challenging circumstances. And all the while trying to keep their gameplan composure and poise. It is a battle of the "Will to Win." And may this Sunday's championship football competition bring out the best in all participants, "Win, Lose, or . . .

May there be a glorious victory, and a glorious death.

And may those who witness it recognize and appreciate the skill and dedication of players and coaches putting their heart and soul into competing to be the best at what they do. 

It's Time to Play the Game.

"This is the day the Lord hath made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

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