Friday, November 26, 2021

White People Talk White Privilege

I watched this interesting collection of interviews with white people describing what they believe it means to be white in America.  I found it to be an honest and truthful reflection of some white peoples attitudes about the privilege of their whiteness in America. 

Its amazing how a society can condition civilized human beings to not see and/or acknowledge their own privileges based on skin color. When brown-skinned people are refused assimilation into a privileged, white-skinned society, it then becomes acceptable and justifiable by some in that society to treat brown-skinned people as under-privileged and therefore less than equal. 

At least these interviewees acknowledge their white privilege. But none of them can offer any viable solution to the American racism that white privilege can cause knowingly or unknowingly. Though they mostly seem empathetic, their outlook for seeing any future changes or solutions to American white privilege are all but non-existent.

Unfortunately, societies throughout history have found it necessary to identify a minority group as less than equal and treat them as such. Whether for political, religious, ethnic, economic, or racial gain, the minority group designated undesirable or underprivileged suffers prejudice and ostracism. 

When the black minority group’s history in America, along with its distinguishable visual appearance, is viewed and weighed for equal assimilation into American society, it lands partly on blind eyes and confederate hearts; not unlike the hearts of those who fought to keep antebellum slavery alive in the southern states. And judging from the treatment of black Americans since 1865, I’d say the American Civil War ended in a draw.

It appears America is stuck with racism toward blacks until some new minority group arrives on its shores. Perhaps future immigrants from another world with a distinguishable look, making them too targets for hatred, inequality and exclusion. Alien Intelligent Life Forms, Beware America!

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