Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Abortion Under Attack - Outta My Afghanistan

Texas Abortion Ban: What It Means and What Happens Next : NPR

As a man I believe I have no say whatsoever over the choice a woman makes regarding pregnancy. I believe a person's body is a God-given gift and only that person and their God can judge how they choose to treat that body. 

Any life form dependent on a host body for its nourishment and survival is subject to whatever choices their host body makes. Whether that choice be to nourish or terminate a dependent life form, no outside governing entity or person has the right to restrict host body action. 

(Hypothetical Thoughts)

Anti-Abortion (pro-life) women should choose to be Host Bodies, implanted with the unwanted fetus they so violently fight to save. Let these self-proclaimed lovers of all life volunteer to carry (Host) an unwanted fetus to full-term, give birth, adopt and raise to young adulthood the same fetus they fought so violently to preserve. If not of childbearing age, let them recruit their daughters and other young women in their circles who believe as they do. Maybe this would transform their anger toward pro-choice women into love, and teach empathy on the subject of unwanted/unplanned parenthood. Well, of course all this would be subject to the unwanted/unplanned parent's choice.

Note: As of 2021, a fetus cannot be transplanted from one womb to another.

New Texas Abortion Law 2021

Stay out of our uterus, let us decide – Brain Maze (

Abortion Pill Facts - Planned Parenthood

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