Thursday, August 20, 2020

Obama Warns U.S. Citizens

If Former First Lady Michelle Obama reminded us in her DNC speech earlier this week of America's past greatness and world leadership role, then Former President Barak Obama's DNC speech last night alerted us to exactly where we dangerously stand today; at a leadership crossroads. It was like waking up to distress signals after a four year binge, looking into the mirror and seeing you have fallen from grace and need immediate intervention and rehabilitation before it's simply too late to save yourself.  

President Obama gave our country a much-needed warning about just how bad things are and how much worse it can get if Donald Trump is re-elected for a second term. Everything he said about the Trump presidency was a chilling fact we all have seen play out right before our disbelieving eyes. If those addicted to supporting Trump are tired and worn out from the lies and disillusionment, accepting the truth about what he is and what he has done to our country is your start on the road to recovery.

Hi!  My Name Is _____________, And I Am A Recovering _______________

As good as President Obama's speech was in identifying our country's historic courage and future potential, it's outline of consequences America faces if it continues down the Trumpian path are alarming. Fear of our government completely abandoning it's 233-year old constitution in favor of something crass, cruel and completely undemocratic is a possibility. The stakes are too high in this 2020 Presidential Election for us not to care.

I once considered voting for businessman/billionaire Ross Perot as President, just to shake up the country's political stage in Washington D.C.. Now, after witnessing failure and fall-out from citizens electing a candidate based on fatigue and frustration with the same old party politicians, I realize the danger in it. 

When citizens of a country become desperate for change, there lies the danger. Not in choosing an unconventional man or party to lead, but in the blind rage and anger that might go into choosing that man or party to shake things up. They should be careful what they wish for, lest they unintentionally unleash an uncontrollable nightmare with Pandemic-like consequences. America must not vote blindly or carelessly in the 2020 Election, or any election. But it must vote! Because our health, well-being and very existence is what's at stake.

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
who does not look to the proud, 
to those who turn aside to false gods (Psalm 40:4)

Vote Joe Biden!

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