Thursday, March 26, 2020

I Got PPE, But "I Want You To Do Me A Favor Though"

How To Get Face Masks to Doctors and Hospitals in Need

If the Commander in Chief is okay asking a foreign ally in desperate need of defense armaments against a common enemy to first do him a favor by helping in his re-election, then what will he ask of state governments looking for federal support and leadership to arm against an invading viral pandemic?

It might sound treacherous and/or treasonous, but our man in the white house is handling this deadly national medical crisis as if his re-election depends on it and not civilian lives. 

Instead of putting his best foot forward and giving American citizens the leadership and support it needs at this time, he has done what he's been crookedly doing since taking over the office previously held by democratic favorite, President Barak Obama; Lying, Denying, Misleading, Misinforming, Blaming, Blocking, Campaigning and all out making America less great than it ever was. And less safe.

His dismantling of Presidential values and candor has led to our government being incompetent and unable to stand strong ready to fight together. Today we find ourselves as a nation vulnerable to attack from outside forces with only ourselves to blame only because of who we as a country elected to lead. 

If only our man in the white house were not suffering from narcissism; a personality disorder reflecting selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy and a need for admiration. When you couple this narcissist condition with a national crisis you get March Madness 2020 - the Coronavirus Campaign. And as anyone watching daily presidential press conferences knows, Coronavirus, unlike Republican Senators, does not respond positively to Lies, Denials, Deflections or Blame coming from a narcissist. It just goes on infecting, sickening and killing the misled/misinformed citizenry of a country pregnant with crisis when it first arrived. 

Most Americans, knowing the shortcomings of our man in the white house, were rooting for him to succeed in handling this medical crisis, taking a "we're all in this crisis together" attitude. We needed to believe that our Republican Senators who acquitted him of impeachment charges saw something leader-like in him that maybe us citizens somehow were overlooking. Perhaps just maybe the Naked Emperor was donning an exquisite and expensively made invisible suit.

Well, here we are unprepared and unprotected against a pandemic that we knew was coming and deadly. Early on our man in the white house could have rallied the country and government forces to steady ourselves and prepare for what was forecast. But his narcissism, such a self-defeating disease, began whispers of hoax, conspiracy and re-election deterrence into his ear. And while he takes no responsibility for our late and limited response to the Coronavirus, state governors are showing their leadership medal by pulling together whatever limited supplies and support available. America, in the face of a world conquering coronavirus and incompetent (fill-in-the-blank), is showing its unconquerable spirt and fearless fight to survive.

As we pause in the cause of fighting this pandemic, let us bear in mind what we're seeing and not seeing from our leadership in the white house. For as much as we depend on our government to lead and protect against invaders, it is our duty to place persons sound in mind, body and spirit to fulfill our expectations of leadership at the highest levels of state and federal government.

Alyssa Milano
Calls on Donald Trump to convert his hotels to hospitals for coronavirus relief. Trump has hotels in the cities of New York, Washington D.C., Miami, Las Vegas, Waikiki, Chicago and Charlottesville with other hotels outside the U.S. in Scotland, Ireland and Canada.

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