Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Shoeless Joe Judge

Either the New York Football Giants have exclusive insider information about newly hired head coach Joe Judge, or the city of Gotham has decided to gamble away their chances of fielding a winning team.

In the last decade the Giants have won a Super Bowl and lost a wild card game. They've won an average of seven games per season over that span and are going on their fourth head coach in five years. So what will it take to get the blue collar Giants back to respectability? 

Shoeless Joe Judge at the helm of course! A coach with no head coaching experience in college or pro, and no coordinator experience offense or defense. But look on the bright side, he's a helluva Special Teams coach and has dabbled in Receivers coaching duties as a backup.  The Patriots will surely miss him (wink,wink).

Bottom line: Somebody in New York has just decided to select Donald J. Trump to run the Giants football team, and damned the reports and history that shows he's not qualified. And Why! 

Follow the money, or lack there of.

The real Shoeless Joe Jackson was illiterate and I believe he loved the game of baseball too much to wanna throw the 1919 World Series. But this Joe is a Mississippi State graduate who briefly worked as a Kindegarten physical education teacher. They have PE teachers in Kindegarten???

Whatever the deal Joe Judge cut with the New York Giants, win or lose he'll need the patience of a Kindegarten teacher in order to deal with Gotham's football fans and news media. And don't even think about going Shoeless in NYC Joe; Sleepless maybe, but never shoeless. They'll be snapping at your heels chasing you from day one.

What a crazy, unexpected day for the New York Giants
- Big Blue View

The orginal version of 'Say It Ain't So Joe' by Murray Head.
Other well known versions are by Gary Brooker and Roger Daltrey.

The story behind the song:
Say It Ain't So Joe was provoked by a seventies documentary on Richard Nixon prior to his resignation.
The presenter was asking the editor of a small town newspaper outside Washington, how, in the face of conclusive evidence and proof, his readers could still show such undying support for the president they elected.
The editor likens the situation to a scandal in the twenties, when Joe Jackson, the famous baseball player, was rumored to have taken a bribe to sink his team in the final of the World series.
His fans hung around the stadium chanting "Say it ain't so Joe"

The song is about heroes and their "Clay feet'. It is also a plea from myself to the kind of 'Joe Public' who in fear of losing face, refuse to relinquish their faith in a fallen idol.

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