Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Thanks For The Laughs Tim Conway

 Tim Conway (Actor) 1933 - 2019 

If you weren't around to see Tim Conway do his thing on The Carol Burnett Show, then you missed a good, side-splitting laugh triggered by one of the greats. Many of his comical characters seemed lacking in their ability to apply common sense to basic situations. Their actions might fall under the category of a simpleton doing senseless things. 

Tim himself was really not much to look at and could easily pass for a no-nonsense accountant or office clerk. But give that man a decent comedy skit and allow him his signature ad-lib style, and he'll have you bent over laughing your guts out, gasping for air, begging him to stop.

One of my favorite Tim Conway skits, besides anything featuring his slow-shuffling old man character (see above), is his portrayal of a bumbling young dentist with co-star Harvey Korman as his suffering patient. Seeing Harvey try to stifle his laugh was almost as hilarious as the young Tim Conway dentist. I remember my father, a hardworking blue-collar man who didn't laugh easily, watching the skit laughing and snickering until forced to pull out his workman's handkerchief, blow his nose and wipe at his eyes. 

Thanks Tim, for giving me one of those memorable moments of seeing my father joyfully at leisure. 

Tim Conway's "The Dentist" (FULL)

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