Friday, February 22, 2019

Joseph Woldu: More than a Survivor - An Inspiring Book

Amazing! A book that I am so proud to have co-authored with my friend Joseph Woldu is now available on It chronicles the life of my good friend Joseph as he escapes war torn Eritrea, survives as a child refugee in Sudan, is granted asylum in Germany where he grows up in foster care and then arrives in America to continue his collegiate education. 

In America Joseph becomes the victim of a disastrous motorcycle accident that changes his life in ways he could've never imagined. Victim of a reckless alcohol induced truck driver, Joseph was initially given little chance of survival and then thought to need twenty-four hour care while lying in a vegetative state for the remainder of his life. 

Joseph not only became a medical phenomenon but also a spiritual inspiration as he miraculously awakened from a seven week coma and took to mending his broken body and confused mind. It took six challenging years of speech, physical and occupational therapies before Joseph felt ready to resume his collegiate aspirations. There were setbacks along the way but they only seemed to motivate Joseph to push harder. 

Remembering and holding on to his Eritrean Grandma's wise saying, "Eat today, God provides tomorrow," Joseph took each day as it came; never letting depressing past events overwhelm him nor future unknowns frighten him to the point of giving up. "Never give up," became his battling cry as he fought back to return to living an independent life while earning a Bachelor's Degree in International Business.

As a man who feels he owes so much to so many, Joseph had a need to give back something to humanity. The idea of writing his memoir came to him as he saw others in disabled and challenging conditions struggling to move on. His hope is to help inspire those in need to keep fighting and never give up on life, no matter how hard the moment might seem. 

We are all survivors of something in this life, how we choose to become more than survivors is up to each individual soul. In "Joseph Woldu: More than a Survivor," we're given a blueprint that can help stabilize our constitution and guide us in rebuilding the relations and dreams we once deemed important to our being. It all begins within.

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."  -Bob Marley

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