Thursday, June 11, 2009


Came across this very funny and original book titled "Breathers" by S.G. Browne. I really didn't want to buy it but the price and the humor were just too good to pass up. The story centers around a zombie, oops, I mean and an undead person named Andy, who finds love, friendship and acceptance at his local UA (Undead Anonymous) support group meetings.

Yeah, sounds a bit off the wall right? Well, after recently reading 900 plus pages of Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth," I'm due for a twisted and somewhat demented read. After reading just a few pages I'm beginning to feel that its the living beings (Breathers) in this story that seem to have the most hangups. And as our main character Andy in the story so elegantly puts it when thinking of a need to come up with a more inconspicuous support group name other than Undead Anonymous;

"After all, when you're undead, your about as anonymous as a transvestite with a five o'clock shadow. At least we don't get any support group imposters crashing our meetings, trying to pick up on vulnerable women. That would be sick. Interesting, but sick."

The group imposters part is in reference to Chuck Palahniuk's book titled "Choke" I'm sure. In Choke, an imposter crashes a Sex Addicts support group looking for vulnerable women to have sex with. Any horny male with stale pickup lines can see the genius in this imposter's actions.

I hope to enjoy reading this hilarious and outside-the-box book. As one reviewer commented: "A Zombie Story with Brains."

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