Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Julia Flores Colque - 118 years young in Sacaba


picture of Julia Flores Colque taken in 2013 in her hometown of Sacaba, Bolivia - by Matt Brown

I just love a story with the everlasting fragrance of immortality. Julia is a modern day methuselah and boy would it be a treat to sit by her side and hear stories about life in Bolivia during the early 1900's. Not that I'm interested in Bolivian history so much, but I'd enjoy hearing and seeing her talk about living in a time and place so far removed from my 2018 North American world.

Looking at photos of Julia it's easy to imagine the many stories hidden in the crevices of her hands and the creases outside her eyes. She really is a beautiful human being to behold with strong grayish eyes that appear to be gazing into your soul.

I've had the honor of knowing healthy persons in their 90's and a few on the doorstep of 100. I treasure the moments spent in their presence. If ever I've experienced that feeling of "reverence" reserved for Godly moments in life, spending time with individuals like Julia is without  a doubt one of those times. Interesting that reverence can also be felt in the presence of babies.

I wish nothing but the best for Julia and her Bolivian family in the infinite future. Her family is so fortunate to have such a seasoned soul to turn to when fear and doubt rear their ugly heads. For nobody lives to the ripe young age of 118 without knowing how to conjure up courage and strength when times call for it. Because at 118 years old, what is there to fear, death? Nonsense! I'm sure when she's ready she'll welcome the eternal rest with a "what took you so long" when it comes knocking at her door. But only when she's ready.

Stay Woke Julia

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A Day in the Life of White Dollar Crime

Witch Hunt turns up two American Warlocks
Cohen pleads guilty to campaign-finance violations as Manafort found guilty of tax fraud 
Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Tuesday was found guilty on eight charges including tax fraud, as the president’s former lawyer Michael Cohen said he violated campaign-finance law at the direction of a candidate for federal office.