Thursday, May 24, 2012

Giants Hits & Runs Parade

Something got into the San Francisco Giants today as they had 14 runs on 15 hits, a season high.  They defeated the new Miami Marlins 14-7 in the first of a four game series being played in Florida. Though the Giants were ahead 8-1 in the top of the seventh, you knew the Marlins weren't going down quietly. They didn't.  

The Marlins, the team that always seems to have the Giants number, scored 2 in the bottom of the seventh and just when it looked as if just maybe the Marlins would come back to dash the Giants hopes again, Pitcher Jeremy Affeldt put an end to the inning.

Giants would score four in the top of the eighth and the Marlins would match them with four in the bottom of the inning. Two more runs in the top of the ninth for the Giants would end all scoring and seal the victory. But those pesky Marlins, even on a night when the Giants bats were tagging baseballs at fever pace, just made what should've been a celebratory Giants victory feel like a squeaker of a win.

But as they say, I'll take an ugly win over a pretty loss any day, not that the Giants looked that ugly winning. They only had 1 error to the Marlins 2. But I hope to someday soon see a Giants win where they dominant from beginning to end. I really can't say we've seen that this season. But it's coming.

Go Giants! 

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