Saturday, May 26, 2012

Devils Stalking The Stanley Cup

Sure I live in California, but when it comes to sports teams I've vowed never to support a team south of the bakersfield DMZ zone.  So with that being said, I'm taking Jersey over the L.A. Kings for the NHL Stanley Cup finals.

You gotta love the Devils,  mostly just because they're from New Jersey. Quick, name me another professional sports team from the Garden State?  New Jersey Nets? Nope, they begin play in Brooklyn this coming season as the Brooklyn Nets.  ! Yep, Jersey has it's Red Devils and that's pretty much it.   The two New York NFL teams play in Jersey, but would never rename themselves with a New Jersey tag, that would be criminal.  

So let's hear it for the home of Bruce Springsteen, Tony Soprano and their beloved NHL Red Devils.  They might hail from a place nobody else wants to be from, but if there wasn't a New Jersey, scientists would be in labs trying to invent such a place to better understand human behavior. 

"But they do have some hot babes, in a slutty sort of way."
movie quote about NJ chicks

Go New Jersey Devils!

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