Wednesday, May 23, 2012

American Idle

It ain't Asian Idol or Mexican Idol folks, so why the surprise?

Many friends of mine are disappointed in Phillip Phillips being named the winner over Jessica Sanchez on the show "American Idol." I'm wondering why the shock and awe over what I believe are rigged television show competitions.  It's Fox TV, not CNN.  I suppose fans of these shows feel their call-in vote should warrant a just balloting.  Well I got news for you fans, it's entertainment, just like Lotteries, Pageants and 90% of the stuff marketed on television for your viewing pleasure. So why so serious?

Case and point, tonight the show American Idol was down to it's two finalists, a filipino/mexican young lady and a folksy white american male.  Their singing styles were as different as night and day, with the young woman singing soulful hits and the young man country/southern rock type music.  The celebrity judges had pretty much given last night's two of three rounds to the young woman. So much for celebrity judge relevancy when it comes to the final vote.

When it was announced tonight that Phillip Phillips was the winner, there was a show celebration the likes of a super bowl win, with confetti and all.  It was then that I realized the impact some of these network television shows have on the public's perception of reality.  While many non-white fans are talking of never watching the American Idol show again, feeling young Jessica was cheated out of her crown, I simply remind the folks watching these reality shows not to take them so serious.  These shows have investors and for them it comes down to the dollars and sense.

Sure it's possible there may've been some racial favoritism involved, (WGWG), but you must ask yourself, what is a champion idol? It's not the best talent or the best voice is it? It's most likely the best all around marketable package to entertainment fed consumers. Sorry Jessica, but a young white male has a wider marketing target than anyone else.  You sang beautifully and are a credit to your family and culture.  You will undoubtedly be given some type of musical contract. The white male image continues to be projected worldwide as the model image of success. It's ironic that asian women today seem infatuated with WGWG, but that's another story for another time.

Meanwhile I must also congratulate Phillip Phillips. He's not the most exciting or inspiring entertainer, but I was impressed with his song "Beggin." I expect to see this young man singing at the GOP national convention soon. lol

Why So Serious!

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