Saturday, December 19, 2009

Approaching Nor'easter Affects NFL Game Times

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. There's a winter storm scheduled to blow through the east coast this weekend, affecting NFL and college football games. The NFL has moved some of their scheduled game times back a few hours to allow for snow clearance prior to games. So far the following teams have pushed back their games:

Chicago at Baltimore
San Francisco at Philadelphia

We Raiders fans know all too well how weird and crazy things can affect the outcome of games played in snow. We carry both good and bad memories of snow games played in Denver as well as New Fumbleland. There's two types of snow games; one being a fluffy snow that gives the game a wintry wonderland look of beauty and has little affect on the game; the other is a wet snow that comes sweeping in like a sleety hurricane causing havoc on player visibility, footing and execution . So which storm will rear its head this weekend? Time will tell.

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