Tuesday, May 01, 2012

NBA - Wake Me June 12th

Maybe it's what happens when your area's professional basketball team is a perennial loser.  Maybe it's all the big name injuries and suspensions. Whatever the reason, I'm finding it hard to get into the NBA Playoffs this season.  I suppose the Dream Team down in Miami might have something to do with it.  Lebron James and the "Until there's a Championship" tour will most likely be the big story as the playoffs wind down toward the finals. 
Well I'm taking that same approach; "Until there's a Championship" game, I'll be tuning into baseball and offseason football transactions.  

Sorry NBA but did you forget that you locked me out and left us fans shivering out in the cold last fall?  Whatdaya take me for, a basketball junkie who can't make it through the day without his fix? Sorry David Stern and company, but your product is watered down and predictable.  And I still say the fix is in on many of the games, but that's just me. 

So "Until There's A Championship Game," I'm locking you out of my sports thoughts and this blog.  You'd have done better to just cancel the season instead of letting greed steer you toward this shortened spectacle of a season.  NBA players have been dropping like flies from injuries all season, and I believe the Lockout layoff contributed to this.   

My Golden State Warriors, with a new head coach and star young talent, were crippled by injuries this season. Maybe Monta Ellis and a healthy Stephen Curry would be making believers of bay area fans in tonight's playoffs, had the lockout not occurred.  Instead, Monta ended the season in a losing Milwaukee Bucks jersey and Curry's recurring ankle injury has us fans praying it isn't career threatening. The Warriors did win a shot at a frickin lottery pick, Lockout Luck I guess.

So yeah, I'm bitter about professional basketball these days.  Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll tune in early June to see Lebron finish his championship journey with a ring.  That is of course if the Dream Team can stay healthy through May. It's gonna be a "Great Timeout" during this lockout. 

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