Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Murdoch Unfit To Fool

So when will the Brits learn that Money rules the world.  It isn't a question of whether you're "Fit to Rule."  What's important is how much money, influence and power one wields around in order to gain and maintain control.  

Seems Mr. Ruppert Murdoch , Chairman and CEO of News Corp., took his show to Britain and they loved it right up until someone more powerful than Murdoch got offended.  I like what one of the panelists said about the person who tried warning about News Corps' trickery; "They Shot The Messenger."

Today Britain announced that Murdoch is "Unfit To Run an International Company."  That's like saying Bernie Madoff was unfit to run a financial investment agency.  Unfit does not equate to Unprofitable. What they really mean is that he's morally unfit.......shucks!

What Bernie and Murdoch have in common, besides their savvy skills to mislead , are their greedy rich customers.  As long as there are people paying to be the fool, there's perpetrators willing to entertain a fool's paradise for a hefty price.

So I'm left with this "why so serious" grin on my face.  If the Brits really plan to stop doing business with Murdoch they'd have called a spade a spade and frozen his assets while castrating him in the public media.  Instead, we get accusations of "Willful Blindness" and "Unfit to Run a International Corporation."  Come'on Man! That's some bloody rich semantics isn't it?

All the Brits really did was show just how powerful a hold the magic of Murdoch has on them.  They appear fearful of behaving badly and burning bridges with Murdoch.  Sometimes, it's what you don't hear that paints the better picture.  We're not hearing anyone call Murdoch a liar and a scoundrel.  

When misleading acts can only be traced to cronies, and those who were misled are satisfied with an apology and possible exile of the perpetrator(s), there's something really rotten in Denmark.


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