Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hockey Returning To The Cow Palace

Move over San Jose Sharks, San Francisco is premiering Pro Hockey this coming fall with an ECHL "AA" team called ........drum roll please..........

the San Francisco Bulls? How original!

Who the heck won the team naming contest? Scottie Pippin, jr.?  Come'on Man, the SF bay area is known for it's innovation and creativity.  You mean to tell me nobody suggested a name/logo catchy enough to out do this:

Jeez Louise! Looks like a Texas steer with bandaged feet.  I can hear the tasteless jokes already: "So you're from San Francisco? Which are you a steer or a queer?"  Yep, they just gave the remaining neanderthals some much needed new material.

Why not bring back the IHL's San Francisco Spiders of 1995-96.  Spiders are cool! Arachnophobia Bi@tch!

Okay, I'm over it.  I'm a Stockton Thunder fan anyway, so why get all bent out of shape?  

The puck drops October 2012. Stay tuned for more information.  And in case a neanderthal is reading this post, I'm a steer.

News Update: Tell me this doesn't look familiar

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