Friday, May 18, 2012

Grainy Cell Phone Footage Gets Conviction?

The Decatur Daily received grainy cell phone footage of the altercation that led to the arrest of Raiders linebacker Rolando McClain.

There should be a point in some legal proceedings where questionable evidence not be allowed. The video evidence that helped convict Raiders linebacker Rolando McClain is dark, grainy and does not show McClain holding a gun to the head of the victim.   The video shows McClain's friend beating on the victim who's on the ground covering his head being beaten by fists.

If it's true that the victim agreed to the fight then how is it the victor get's 90 days, McClain gets 180 days and the victim gets to go home with no punishment other than a beatdown?  Call me naive but I didn't see anything in that video that would convince me of the accusations against McClain being true or false. I saw a beatdown with some verbal sounds thrown in, that's it.  And if the court feels the film was edited to remove blame from McClain, then go out and find that edited footage. You know someone has it if it exists.

So McClain will of course appeal the 180 day sentence passed down.  And where will all of this leave the Raiders? Hey, if boxer Floyd Mayweather can get a delayed jail sentence in order to fulfill prior commitments to Las Vegas, don't you think McClain should at least be given something similar so the paying customers of Oakland as well as the city don't lose out on an investment?

Free McClain Rally at 5 O'clock, Civic Center Oakland. Black Hole rumor has it they'll be burning the missing footage!

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