Friday, June 22, 2012

Penn State Pedophile Convicted

Sorry folks for the blatant lead-in to this post, but the whole Penn State child abuse mess just makes me sick.  It's not only a blemish on Penn State, but also on college sports as a whole.  This is a parent's nightmare and Sandusky is the monster. For him to have created and used a kids charity organization for his predator hunting ground raises unimaginable fears for today's parents.  Just how many Sanduskys are out there with easy access to kids?  It's a very scary question.

Sandusky's adopted son Matt should be considered a brave warrior for facing what must've been a life-crisis in deciding to come forward with his confession of being a victim of a man he called father.  It's simply chilling to try feeling what Matt must've felt these past months, not to mention the years of living in fear under the roof of this sick man.

The only real justice in the guilty verdict is that the victims, and there's likely more than the 10 who've come forward, might find some relief in seeing the monster of their lifelong nightmare behind bars.  The sooner Mr. Sandusky is incarcerated the safer all Kids will be.  

Sorry JoePa, I pray the victims can forgive you, Penn State and the community that failed to protect them. 

I really don't feel like entertaining any more thoughts related to this hurtful story. 

BELLEFONTE, Pa. -- Ex-Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts in his sex abuse trial Friday.

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