Wednesday, June 13, 2012

'Mad Bum' Kicks Some ASStros

Sitting there at AT&T Park watching Madison Bumgarner (8-4) pitch like a freakin machine last night, I felt reassured that the 2012 San Francisco Giants will be okay down the stretch.  With Tim Lincecum battling through an un-timmy-like slump, Mad Bum showed us why, when it comes to Giants pitching, there's nothing to fear but fear itself.  

Bum pitched beautifully last night, striking out twelve Asstros hitters through 7 2/3 innings.  He was electric throwing the ball and made it look almost too easy.  Then he did the unexpected; with the Asstros leading 1-0 in the bottom of the third, Da'Bum came up to the plate and smacked the beJesus out of the ball. The home run, his career first, was measured at 387 feet landing in the left field bleachers. And the AT&T crowd went wild!

Pitcher Madison Bumgarner receives home run congratulations in dugout

The Giants sport a 36-23 record, third best in the NL.  They're healing up as backup players continue to step up and keep the ship on course for the fall destination.  They must be careful with where the Panda sits onboard.  Last night's appearance of Pablo Sandoval in the lineup gave all us fans feelings of caution.  He went 0-4 last night with two strike outs.  It's expected he'd be a bit rusty returning from an injury, but it's his body and focus that remain suspect.  

Panda has truly become a roly-poly Panda.  His weight seems to have ballooned since the start of the season.  His bat seemed a bit slow and his fielding and defense definitely looks rusty.  Let's hope its just Panda getting refocused and not Panda needing to lose the pouch he's carrying.  

But again, with Mad Bum and Da'Boys playing like Giants, we have nothing to fear but fear itself! 

Final Score
Astros 3
Giants 6

Tracking Mad Bum's 387 ft. Home Run

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