Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The First UnDocumented U.S. Immigrants

It's amazing how much a picture accompanied  by a few words can say.  What I find even more amazing is imagining that same picture shown with different words or without words at all. Simply take away the words and look at this picture closely.  What do YOU see?  

Maybe Arizona immigration laws do protect the American way of life.  The first immigrants gained the trust and friendship of the citizens before turning on them with a vengeance that bordered on barbaric.  

Today's desperate immigrants arriving on the shores of America just might have it in mind to rob, rape and kill the citizens of this land along with their way of life.  Let's not be as naive and foolish as those gullible red men of yesteryear, who fell for the Thanksgiving gesture.  It just might turn into a Thankstaking feast.

Let's see some identification!

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