Thursday, June 21, 2012

Behind Every Picture

Not until I did a web search of my blog RAIDERLEGEND, did I realize just how storytelling the pictures I post are.  

For every image that my google search listed, there was a story of interest being told.  The stories mostly centered around sports,  but all of them offer a lesson in life.   Writers create and retell stories in order to share information and ideas, as well as try to better understand the story themselves.  A blog with pictures accompanying a post is like street view versus maps; readers can see the image(s) from which the blogger's words erupt.

So for those who've enjoyed viewing and reading my blog, I say congratulations and thank you for making my sharing of pictures, information and opinions worthwhile.  It is mostly through pictures that the ideas and opinions of Raiderlegend  have been influenced.    To have the ability to string together a few words and have others enjoy reading them is a blessing. Amen!

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