Monday, May 14, 2012

Renouncing Country & Flag

Would you give up your national citizenship to save money in taxes as some have suggested Facebook co-founder Eduardo Severin has done?  It seems many wealthy Americans are for one reason or another renouncing their U.S. citizenship and running off with their gold to foreign lands.  Is this possibly fallout from the economic recession or are the wealthy giving us a sign of bad things to come in America?

It's not a pretty picture when a country's wealthiest citizens begin leaving the shores for greener and safer pastures.  But then again, this is 2012 and if Armageddon is just around the corner wouldn't you wanna be safe and sound away from any possible targets? Like in sports, many fans who support a team when times are good will jump ship and support another team if times should turn sour.  We call these "Fair Weather Fans."

These types of fans are loyal to none and pledge temporary allegiance to any that'll give them immediate rewards.  I say to those countries harboring U.S. citizens running from responsibilities at home and miserly securing their homegrown fortunes, be mindful of the old rule of what comes around goes around. Tomorrow it might be you and your weakening economy leaking wealthy citizens. Our “Give Us Your Tired & Poor Yearning To Be Free” motto continues. If our wealthy citizens are finding U.S. taxation too much a burden during these difficult times, then let them go the way of all fair weather fans.  Who wants a hanger on who keeps no promise and honors no pledge?  

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