Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Well Whaddya Know, QB Killa Sacked

I.R.i S.
(see original at craftworks)

Forget baseball's Ozzie Guillen suspension and apology to Florida Cubans for calling Senor Fidel Castro a great man.  We got a Raider Traitor in the news for not managing his finances properly.  Yes, Warren QB KIlla, Sapp is in serious debt and may lose everything he has, including his NFL Network analyst seat. And I say, "It couldn't have happened to a more rotten guy."

We in Raider Nation were proud to give an overweight,  shadow of the man he once was, a new start. That's a trademark of the Raiders, giving guys considered by others to be broken down and washed up, a second, third or final chance to revitalize their career.  From 2004-2008, As a loyal and committed Raider, Sapp recaptured some of the defensive magic that earned him the label "QB Killa' in his younger days, helping the Raiders defense maintain their early 2000's AFC West Division champion level of play.  But the Raiders offense was on a spiral downward and unfortunately our defense could not win a championship.

In 2008 Warren Sapp, #99 of the Oakland Raiders, called it quits and retired to take a television studio analyst job.  He's been dogging the Raiders organization ever since.  He shows no love for the Raiders and at every opportunity he gets, stabs and jabs the organization for it's years of losing futility.  No other former Raider has ever come out and tried to clown the team the way Sapp has.

We in Raider Nation, watching our team stumble and falter through the Jamarcus Russell years, saw Sapp for what he was, a traitor cashing in on his playing years by bashing the Oakland Raiders.  To us he was just another Benedict Arnold telling a country's secrets not only to the enemy, but to potential allies who might want to come to the rescue of a faltering nation.  Sapp aired all the Raiders dirty laundry in public, then with a cheshire cat smile collected his traitorous paycheck

Well, as the saying goes, "what goes around.......comes around."  Sapp's laundry is being aired by creditors to the tune of $6.7 million dollars owed.  They've gone as far as tallying up Sapp's assets which include; 250 pair of nike Air Jordan athletic shoes, a watch worth $2,250.00 and get this: A Lion Skin Rug.  Boy would I love to see a shot of that rug on ESPN with the caption "Who's The Bi@tch Now."

When will professional sports athletes learn you don't mess with IRiS!

So Mr. Sapp, for as much as we the Raider Nation love football and wouldn't do anything as degrading and embarrassing as airing one's dirty laundry, though Big Al did try publicly sinking another traitor, former coach Lane Kiffin, we stand on the sidelines with a big cheshire cat grin as the financial devil comes to collect your rotten, stinking, bankrupt carcass.  

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