Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Raiders Pregnant With Hope

Raiders Concept Helmet by Charles Sollars

This week began the official NFL 2012 pre-season based on signed players receiving their team play books and team service rep calls soliciting season ticket renewals; thanks for the call Teresa.  The Oakland Raiders and 31 other teams are out shopping for pieces that'll fit into their game plans, with a due date for full delivery set in early September.

Until then fans should expect bouts of morning sickness, player cravings, bloating,  anxiety, depression and just about every emotional tweak your mind and body can handle.

Amidst a NFL coach's season suspension, updated uniform design, modified rules, Manning and Tebow watch and draft day prospects, the current free agent transactions are registering low on the sports radar.  Maybe with March Madness ending, we'll begin seeing more in-depth reportage about our professional football team cuts and signings.   

As an Oakland Raiders fan, the uneasiness of seeing the franchise being in the hands of new leadership for the first time ever, RIP Big Al, I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.  After watching all the hoopla and speculation that comes with a new general manager and coaching staff, I've decided to patiently await the exhibition season to get a look at what all the talk is about.

A lot goes into the making and delivering of a championship caliber football team.  Right now the Raiders are assembling the machinery that'll hopefully deliver the prize.  I choose not to kick and scream with each decision made during the off season.  I did enough of that with the letting go of Hue Jackson and Michael Bush.  And so like a proud father-to-be I sit back and wait for the doctor's visit from the delivery room to tell me what I've got.

On that special day I will proudly put on my silver and black jersey, tailgate like a drunken sailor before entering the Coliseum and boisterously shouting out: 

"Enough with the crying and screaming; show me the Baby!"

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