Friday, March 30, 2012

MegaMillion - Me and Curtis Sharp

How'd you like to be a millionaire?  How about just hangout with a millionaire?  Been there done that!

Today's Mega Million lottery drawing is for a record whopping $640 million dollars. And those aren't virtual dollars my internet gaming friends; it's real depression-valued U.S. currency.  

While buying my piece of the dream I recounted to a friend the one time nearly thirty years ago that I met and hung out with a millionaire from New Jersey.  I told the story of meeting Curtis Sharp, a man who was so genrous with his $5 Million jackpot that he showed up to collect his winnings with his wife on one arm and girlfriend on the other.

Curtis was recognizable by his signature bowler derby hat that he never seemed to be without; at least as long as he was rolling in the dough.  As luck and/or coincidence would have it, King Curtis was still dusty from the flour when the California Lottery was launched.  With his flamboyant east coast personality and eye catching bowler hat, the golden state's lottery board chose to fly the King out to the west coast to help promote their new state sanctioned numbers racket.

I was young and trawling for some female action at a hot San Francisco night club in the base of the Transamerica building.  I think the club was called the "Bank Exchange."  While coming off the dance floor I see a derby hat with a suited little man underneath looking like a cousin's cousin of mine back in New York.  I immediately call out to him as if he actually were my cousin, saying "Hey Curtis, what are you doing out here?"  The King smiled, strolled over, all by himself with a drink in his hand, and told me all about the California lottery folks and their ideas for promoting the new lottery game. He was surprised because I was the first person to recognize him since he'd been in California.

I didn't ask the King for any cash and I may have offered to buy him a drink.  The one question I did ask him before departing was this:

"So tell me Curtis, honestly, did the money change you?"  The King looked me straight in the eye, got straight serious and said "No, I'm the same person today that I've always been.  I love my friends and family and I love having a good time."  I believe we may have talked about the strangeness of the California singles scene, but that's private, between me and the King.  

I'd forgotten all about this encounter until today's Mega millions brought the memory back.  I share it as a reminder to myself and others should we wake up tomorrow an instant millionaire.  In the infamous words of the King, Curtis Sharp, who bumbled through his millions in record time;  

"A fool and his money are soon parted, and honey, I acted a fool."

Well King Curtis, you may have acted a fool, and are no longer a millionaire, but you sure gave us something to smile and dream about.  Thanks for the memories good man.

With today's record jackpot, there's plenty of news being shared on the web about the man who would be King for a day.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I sold Curtis several of his and his girlfriends and wives Cadillacs in Nashville. Never forget the first night I met him on the lot at the dealership. No one wanted to wait on him because he pulled in in a bombed out torn up Seville. He turned out to be one of my best customers and ultimately one of my son's best customers after he took over my book of business. Great guy and always a gentleman
