Saturday, February 04, 2012

Charging Toward The Super Bowl

Cartoon Patriots Vs Giants-Superbowl 46

It's the day before Super Bowl XLVI. Got my Raiders jersey already picked out for the party I'll be attending. Someone recently asked me why I'd wear my non-playoff teams' jersey to playoff game parties and I immediately responded, "what else would I wear?"

Well folks, the super bowl is the ultimate playoff game party and I'll be the pirate in the white with black lettering #21 Cliff Branch Jersey. It's the last day for us NFL football fans to talk junk and just enjoy the game we love so much. As much as I'm looking forward to next season, there's something about the last football game of the season that gets me a little choked up. I love the game of football.

Going back to my football roots I have to go with the New York Giants to win it. This could be the first blowout in years. Tuck that New England!

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