Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Romo Still A Raider

This video clip showing former Oakland Raiders linebacker Bill Romanowski giving his take on how best to right the Raiders ship is all Romo.

Romo has always been "in your face" reactionary when it comes to doing things his way. I've enjoyed watching Romo as a sportscaster simply because he always appears on the verge of going completely nuts. Well folks, he didn't go nuts, he went Romo.

As far as Romo is concerned the Raiders need to get tough and go hunt down the meat instead of buying over the counter at SAFEway. If need be Romo will lead the expedition, he's In.

If Hue Jackson was watching I hope he considers bringing Romo into the locker room for the final three games. The Raiders still have a chance to reach the playoffs, but as Romo so brilliantly demonstrated, they need to stop waiting in the checkout line to pay for their bacon and go out locked and loaded to hunt game.

Bill Romanowski might just be suiting up for the Raiders sometime soon. Attaboy Romo!

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